Treatments - Prescribed Herbal Medicine

Prescribed Herbal Medicine

Our physician will typically ask about symptoms and examine the patients thereafter to detect imbalances in the body before prescribing the most appropriate herbal medicine.
Our herbal formulas usually contain a few different herbs, to be taken in the form of powdered concentrates, pills, tablets or syrups.
Chinese herbal remedies are usually made up of a number of herbs and minerals or animal extracts. Typically, 1 or 2 herbs having the greatest effect on the problem being treated are included. Other components in the formula will treat minor aspects of the problem, direct the formula to specific parts of the body, and help the other herbs work better.


我们的中医师在开处方之前, 会在中医理论的指导下,根据望、闻、问、切 “四诊合参”, 全面收集症状、体征,经过辩证分析、明确诊断后,找出病因, 才对症下药。