Treatments - Cupping


Cupping is a technique in which glass or bamboo cups are warmed from the inside to create a vacuum and placed on the affected part of the body. The cups are usually placed on the skin above the affected muscle area or above an acupuncture point at the inflicted area. In some cases, the cups may be moved with the suction of the skin still active.

The heated cups are left in place for 5 to 15 minutes, and when removed, they usually leave a round red mark behind. Bruising occurs in spots where there is stagnation of Qi and blood flow. The red mark is only temporary and will usually fade off after a few days.

Cupping is able to relieve much of the body’s discomfort  caused by the congestion of blood, energy or mucus, as well as swelling. The vacuum created by the heat is able to dispel dampness from the body, promote the flow of Qi and reduce swelling. Scientifically, this technique is known to promote blood circulation, aid deep tissue repair and activate the lymphatic system.


拔罐是一种以玻璃或竹罐为工具, 借助热力排除其中空气,使之吸附于腧穴或局部肌肤,而产生刺激,使局部皮肤充血,以达到防治疾病目的的方法。在某些情况下,医师会沿着病人身上的经络移动游走玻璃或竹罐,这会拉扯到局部的皮肤和肌肉, 称为“走罐”

拔罐一般留罐 5-15 分钟,待施术部位的皮肤充血、瘀血时,将罐取下。拔罐之后,皮肤通常会潮红或出现瘀血,属于拔罐疗法的正常治疗效应,一般 3-5 天会自然消失。瘀血代表气血的运行受阻,经络不通。
