Treatments - Tui Na

Tui Na
Tui Na is a very important component of Chinese medicine, alongside acupuncture and herbal medicine prescription.

Physically, it is a series of pressing, tapping and kneading to remove blockages along the meridians of the body and stimulates the flow of energy and blood to promote healing.
Tui Na is targeted to treat both acute and chronic pain, musculoskeletal conditions and stress related disorders. Tui Na works on the energy channels and points, using the same principles as acupuncture except that the hands and fingers are used instead of needles. Tui Na applies pressure to the acupoints, meridians and groups of muscles or nerve to remove blockages that prevent the flow of Qi. 
Tui Na is suitable for people of all ages, including children. Apart from treating conditions, it is also an excellent means of keeping oneself in optimal health condition, as well as strengthening the body’s immune system.

推拿与针灸、中药一样, 是中医治疗的一个重要组成部分。
推拿是运用按、压、揉及其它手法, 达到活血祛瘀,疏通经络,调节脏腑功能的目的。
推拿不仅能治疗各种急性、慢性肌肉疼痛,还能缓解疲劳,减轻压力。 推拿与针灸的作用原理相同,通过对经络和穴位的刺激达到治疗的目的,不同之处在于针灸是用针具, 推拿是用手法。

推拿适用于各年龄的人群,包括小孩在内。 除了治疗疾病以外,也可用于强身健体,增强身体免疫力,是一种非常好的保健方法。